2 min readNov 5, 2023


In our ongoing series, “God is an Entrepreneur,” we’ve been delving into the entrepreneurial lessons hidden within the sacred scriptures. Today, we explore Genesis 1:31, a verse that resonates profoundly with every aspiring entrepreneur: “And God saw everything that he made, and, behold, it was good.” This verse is not just a testament to divine creation, but also a beacon guiding us towards a critical principle in entrepreneurship — the pursuit of excellence.

Entrepreneurship is often misconceived as the sole act of owning a business venture. However true entrepreneurship is more akin to an endless path of self-development and mastery. Success in entrepreneurship hinges on understanding that it’s not just about the final product, but about the process itself. It’s about constant evolution, a rejection of mediocrity, and a vow against complacency.

When God looked upon His creation and declared it “good,” it was a reflection of His pursuit of excellence. Each element was meticulously crafted, reflecting the highest standard of quality. As entrepreneurs, we must adopt this same mindset. We must demand excellence from ourselves and our endeavors, always striving for the best. The adage, “You reap what you sow,” holds true in entrepreneurship. When we pour our heart and soul into our ventures, when we give our absolute best, the world responds in kind. Customers recognize quality, and partners seek collaborations with those who exemplify excellence. To receive the best from the world, we must first be willing to give our best.

As we reflect on Genesis 1:31, we find a profound lesson in the pursuit of excellence. Entrepreneurship is not a static destination but an ever-evolving journey of self-development and mastery. To succeed, we must shun mediocrity, embrace creativity, and always strive to add value. By chasing excellence, we align ourselves with a divine principle that has guided the most successful entrepreneurs throughout history. So, let us embark on this journey, knowing that in our pursuit of excellence, we are following in the footsteps of the greatest Entrepreneur of all time.

Thank you for reading! ❤️ May God bless you. If you feel blessed and want to support my writing, you can through the link below.

Please feel free to leave a comment, like, share, and stay blessed — Eltaikun.

