2 min readOct 31, 2023


Decision making influences purpose and destiny.

Decision making is a pivotal aspect of our lives, shaping our path towards fulfillment or detouring us from our intended purpose. There are various psychological perspectives, however I’d like to delve into it from a biblical standpoint, beginning with the ultimate decision-maker, God.

In Genesis 1:1, God decided to create the heavens and the earth. Then, in Genesis 1:28, He decided to create man in His own image, to multiply and dominate the earth. Adam, infused with the spirit of God through His breath (Genesis 2:7), became the first human decision-maker. He demonstrated this when he decided to name the animals, giving purpose through their names (Genesis 2:19), possessing a steadfast and unified decision-making capacity.

However, a pivotal shift occurred in Genesis 3:6 when Adam and Eve ate from the tree of good and evil. This introduced the concept of indecisiveness, as the “and evil” from that tree tainted Adam’s spirit with sin, instigating the spirit of fear and blame. This had a cascading effect on all human endeavors, releasing foreign spirits that influence emotions, decisions, and choices and example can be drawn from the story of King Saul and David.

To make the right decisions, consider three crucial points:

  1. WORK — Embrace God’s purpose for humans: to have dominance over the earth through their work. I define work as ‘walking on revealed knowledge,’ where you reveal God through your activities, employing creativity as a strategy to master the earth. Once you’ve identified your WORK, make (short, mid and long term) decisions aligned with your purpose and destiny.

2. Education — Learning naturally occurs from both nature and nurture, embrace the art of unlearning, relearning, and learning aligned with your purpose. Avoid misplaced knowledge, for great people like (Archimedes, Isaac Newton, etc) wouldn’t have been relevant if they hadn’t aligned their learning with their purpose.

3. Holy Spirit — The Holy Spirit is the ultimate revealer. Invite and collaborate with the Holy Spirit, allowing him to guide your decisions through revelatory capacity. Amidst the wealth of information in the world, the Holy Spirit will provide you with the discernment needed for your destiny and purpose.

While decision-making is a multifaceted subject, this article serves as a compass, guided by the Holy Spirit. Even in the face of mistakes, they can ultimately lead to a greater good, orchestrated by a higher purpose.

Thank you for reading! ❤️ May God bless you. If you feel blessed and want to support my writing, you can through the link below.

Please feel free to leave a comment, like, share, and stay blessed — Eltaikun.

