2 min readNov 23, 2023


Rejection, though initially painful, often serves as a profound training ground for one’s ultimate purpose. The tale of David illustrates this truth vividly. In 1 Samuel 16:1–13, Jesse’s family failed to acknowledge David’s potential when Prophet Samuel arrived to anoint a new king of Israel. David wasn’t even deemed qualified to be called before the prophet (until he was requested for), which naturally would have led him to be bitter or complacent but instead he was growing his capacity by religiously tending to the sheep in the fields, which was a pivotal preparation for his destiny as king.

Moreover, rejection served as a revealing mirror. just like the case of King Saul, laying bare his possessive and obsessive attachment to his desire for the throne. This rejection-induced revelation unveiled his descent into jealousy and other toxic traits as he sought to avert the prophecy of David becoming king. His actions starkly contrasted with the virtues of stewardship and surrender that God encourages in us, showcasing how rejection can expose the darker facets of our nature when we cling excessively to power or desires. Rejection also unveils blind spots. Consider Peter, a prominent disciple whose loyalty wavered when the crowd rejected Jesus. Despite his remarkable feats, rejection brought to light a hidden weakness, underscoring the complexity of human nature.

Rejection is not a destructive force. Netflix’s journey, rejected by Blockbuster, showcases how rejection can either dismantle one’s existence or act as a catalyst for growth. In entrepreneurship, rejection serves as a cornerstone for building the empire, provided it’s embraced as a lesson rather than resisted futilely. It’s crucial not to emulate Saul’s folly, attempting to defy rejection’s implications. His misguided response only further distanced him from his intended destiny, highlighting the perils of resisting the lessons that rejection can impart.

Ultimately, the gift of rejection lies in its transformative power — a crucible that can either shatter one’s spirit or forge it into something resilient and enduring, depending on how it’s embraced and harnessed for personal growth and development. Thank you for reading! ❤️ May God bless you. If you feel blessed and want to support my writing, you can through the link below.

Please feel free to leave a comment, like, share, and stay blessed — Eltaikun.

