2 min readNov 16, 2023


The traditional understanding of leadership often encompasses various definitions, yet an intriguing perspective arises when we consider leadership through the lens of healing. Indeed, leaders can be seen as healers. Examining Jesus, regarded as the quintessential Christian leader in scripture, reveals that a significant portion of His ministry involved healing — addressing not just physical ailments but also mental, spiritual, and ideological aspects through His teachings and actions.

Exploring the divine, we witness God’s act of healing within the creation narrative. The very act of initiating creation in Genesis 1 reflects a healing process, transforming the formless void into a harmonious world.

For us, as leaders, our fundamental mission aligns with the healing ministry. This begins with self-leadership, where the journey involves healing oneself from doubts, procrastination, laziness, and other toxic attitudes that hinder effective leadership. Extending beyond personal growth, leadership encompasses the healing of systems and structures within organizations, fostering an environment that encourages productivity and growth.

Consider the impact of innovations like Facebook, Airbnb, and Uber. While these are often viewed merely as services, they embody a deeper essence — they’ve contributed to healing global communication, hospitality, and transportation barriers, respectively. Every successful business system exists fundamentally to heal a problem through the solutions and services it provides.

Drawing a parallel to the institution of marriage — the first established on Earth — two individuals unite through love to heal each other’s vulnerabilities, limitations, and past traumas. In this context, it prompts introspection: who or what are we healing through our leadership, our actions, and our endeavors?

In essence, leadership as healing encompasses a broader understanding — a transformative approach that not only addresses visible challenges but also seeks to mend and elevate individuals, systems, and societies toward their optimal state of well-being and growth.

Thank you for reading! ❤️ May God bless you. If you feel blessed and want to support my writing, you can through the link below.

Please feel free to leave a comment, like, share, and stay blessed — Eltaikun.

