2 min readNov 30, 2023


In the world of entrepreneurship, the journey often appears strewn with barriers, limitations, and a laundry list of excuses. We glance at our resources, skills, and tools, often concluding that they’re insufficient for achieving our ambitions. However, the story of Moses in the Bible offers a powerful lesson in leveraging what we have to create significant progress.

In the book of Exodus, Moses, a hesitant and reluctant leader, found himself face-to-face with God at the burning bush. God charged him with the monumental task of freeing the Israelites from their bondage in Egypt. Moses, overwhelmed by doubt and inadequacy, voiced his concerns about his own abilities and limitations. But God’s response was pivotal. He didn’t provide a miraculous solution or grant Moses extraordinary powers. Instead, God pointed to something seemingly ordinary: the rod in Moses’ hand. This simple staff represented his daily tool, his ordinary possession. God instructed him to use it to perform miracles and fulfill his purpose. Moses’ story showcases the essence of resourcefulness and utilizing what’s readily available. The rod, a symbol of his identity as a shepherd, transformed into an instrument of change. From parting the Red Sea to producing water from a rock, the rod became the conduit through which miracles manifested.

Similarly, as entrepreneurs, we’re prone to fixating on what we lack rather than embracing what we possess. We disregard our unique set of skills, experiences, and existing resources, dismissing them as inadequate for the journey ahead. Yet, these very tools, when acknowledged and harnessed creatively, hold immense potential to drive progress. Rather than waiting for the perfect conditions or amassing an extensive array of resources, the key lies in leveraging what’s at our disposal. It’s about recognizing the latent power within our grasp and maximizing it to forge ahead. Our limitations often disguise incredible opportunities for innovation and growth.

In conclusion, the tale of Moses illuminates a fundamental truth: success doesn’t always hinge on possessing an abundance of resources but rather on utilizing what we have, no matter how seemingly insignificant. As entrepreneurs, our journey is about resourcefulness, adaptability, and creative utilization of the tools within our reach. The power to make substantial progress lies not in what we lack, but in recognizing, appreciating, and maximizing what we already possess.

